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They are shooting everywhere

Northern Mozambique has been hit by an Islamist insurgency. Over 650,000 people have been forced to flee already. Islamists carried out a fresh assault in the north of the country, particularly in the city of Palma. This has forced more people to flee.

By ACN Staff

Refugees from Islamist terrorist in Mozambique. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

A new round of violent attacks have shaken Northern Mozambique. On the 24th March the Islamic State in Central Africa (ISCA) launched new attacks. Simultaneously the Islamists attacked the small northern town of Manguna and suburbs of Quibuite and Quilaua in the city of Palma. These attacks have caused yet more people to flee for their lives.

Catechetics in Mozambique. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

ISCA has been carrying out an insurgency in the northern province of Cabo Delgado since 2017. The UN estimated late last year that 670,000 people had been displaced. It was also estimated that around 2,000 people had been killed in attacks by the Islamist terrorists between 2017 and 2020.

The city of Palma is very important to Cabo Delgado province. The petroleum company Total is carrying out offshore gas exploration from the city. This has made the city a local hub for economic activity. Many believe that the presence of the gas in Northern Mozambique is the main reason for the concentrated Islamist insurgency in the area.

A man in Palma recorded a message as his fled from the Islamist attack.  This recording was sent to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). In the recording you can clearly tell that the man is running for his for his life. The man clearly states that “the houses have been abandoned”, indicating that many people have fled Palma. His message contained these chilling words:

“We are running, fleeing, trying to hide here on the shore. They are shooting everywhere. May it be as God wills, here in Palma...”.

Fr. Edegard Silva at his parish in Muidumbe. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

ACN spoke with a Brazilian missionary, Father Edegard Silva, who is in the city of Pemba in Northern Mozambique. Fr. Edegard had previously been based at the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the Muidumbe district. This area has come under attack by Islamist forces recently, causing many, including Fr. Edegard, to flee. Fr. Edegard shared this message about the attacks with ACN’s Portuguese national office:

“They (the local people) were already expecting it, because over the past two weeks these evildoers and insurgents had been carrying out a series of attacks in the Nangade region, and almost all the communities close to Palma had already been attacked…Many of the families of our catechists in Palma have been in touch with us to tell us that they have fled. When these attacks take place, the people flee into the mountains, and so it is difficult to communicate with them on account of the weak signal and the fact that the batteries on their mobile phones have run out.”

ACN has been providing help to the local Church in order to respond to this crisis. So far ACN has provided €160,000 in aid. On top of this ACN is providing subsistence aid to priests and religious, and also financial support for the training of seminarians and support for pastoral and catechetical activities. If you would like to help ACN in our activities please consider making a donation and please keep our work in your prayers.