Aid to the Church in Need Ireland | ACN Ireland

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ACN Ireland attends Youth 2000 in Clongowes

22/08/2024, Author: Clodagh Gallagher

The past weekend, from Thursday the 15th August to Sunday the 18th August, ACN Ireland were present at Youth 2000’s national summer festival, for Catholics between the ages of 16 and 35. The festival is the organisation’s biggest event of the year, with attendance regularly topping 1,000 people. The four days are focused on youth leading youth to the heart of the Church, with adoration, praise and worship, Holy Mass, daily rosary, talks on Scripture, workshops, catechism, and Eucharistic processions. The joy felt over the weekend is palpable, and something the attendees are encouraged to bring home to their own parishes around Ireland, and to sustain through Youth 2000 prayer groups, which are focused on Eucharistic adoration and praying the rosary.

This year, our colleague Clodagh Gallagher attended, and set up a stand with Aid To The Church In Need literature, explaining our projects work. She spoke with many priests and religious who know and support the charity, and also heard from lots of young people who hadn’t heard of our work before, and were interested to know more. This kind of information and awareness-raising is vitally important for our charity, and we look forward to being more and more present at events like this throughout the calendar year.

If you know of an event that you think we should be present at, email