Supporting Christian Scouts in Syria

Nearly twelve years of civil war has left a generation of Syrian children without a childhood. With fighting halted in much of Syria, ACN is supporting Christian scouts in Syria to help GIVE children a childhood again.

By ACN Staff

Syriac Orthodox Scout Association. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

The Civil War in Syria has lasted for nearly twelve years. An entire generation of Syrian children has grown up without a proper childhood. The youth are the future of the Church in Syria. Now that the fighting has stopped in most of Syria, it is vital that the children have a proper childhood again. The country is, however, wrecked by economic instability caused by international sanctions.

Syriac Orthodox scouts prayer. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

A troop leader with Christian scouts in Damascus, Miray, explains that despite the halt to the fighting in places like Damascus, the local children still are not able to have normal childhoods:

“Kids now in the post-war period are thirsty to live because they lived very tough 10 years and they were deprived of everything. And now, there is no place to play, there is no electricity and if they want to follow their dreams, it can’t be offered that. So we are trying to offer that to them within our scouts gathering. Everything is beautiful at the scouts, the activities, the camps, all are precious. If they don’t have the scouts, they would do nothing at home, or do nothing at the streets. And that is a pity really because the streets teach violence, teach to be like fighters. It is not a proper environment for any kid to grow in.”

Christian scouting groups have a long history in Syria. They are one of the main avenues through which the Church instructs children in the Faith and allows them to participate in Church life, such as singing and taking part in processions. The scouts also provide an important social and developmental outlet for the children, teaching them teamwork and other valuable skills.

Syriac Orthodox scouts trip. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

Twelve-year-old Majd is enrolled in the scouts and is very keenly involved. His parents are glad of this, and his father explains:

“Majd being in the church scouts is very precious for us because they give the scouts many important principles especially since he is within the church. So, he is given a Christian education in addition to the principles of the scouts.

Sadly, there is a barrier to many children fully participating in the scouts. Many families are unable to afford the cost of the scouts’ uniforms. Children who do not have a uniform can still join the scouts, but as Miray explains, it still acts as a barrier for many children in fully participating:

“Many times we tell them: “It is fine if you don’t have a uniform, you can come to the activity without the uniform”. But kids feel very sad because they are not like their other friends.

Syriac Orthodox scouts activities. (Credit: Aid to the Church in Need)

Because of this, ACN has decided to work with the Syriac Orthodox Scout Association to help provide uniforms to 800 children whose families are unable to afford the uniforms. Miray is in no doubt about the importance of this project:

“I would really want to thank everyone who supported us with our Scout uniforms because we are really trying to give our kids hope to continue their struggle in life. And if we don’t change the mindset of this generation, we are definitely going to have an empty generation, which has nothing to dream about. It will lead to leaving the country in the future. We really appreciate everything and everyone for doing anything for us. Thank you so much.

Majd wanted to say thank you to ACN’s benefactors for the support offered to the scouts:

“I feel very grateful to whoever takes part in distributing the scout uniforms to us. I would like to thank them with all my heart. They have done the best thing ever for the scouts.”

Please donate to our Christmas Appeal if you would like to support Christian scouts in Syria.