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Nigeria's Ongoing Crisis: Persistent Kidnappings of Clergy and Religious Figures

In Nigeria, the kidnapping of clergy and religious figures has sadly become a frequent occurrence, often barely making headlines. Despite most victims being eventually released, the situation has evolved into a profitable venture for criminals, instilling a perpetual state of fear among the Catholic community.

Data from the international foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) reveals that as of 13 November 2023, a total of 23 priests, religious sisters, and seminarians have been abducted in the country, marking this menace as the foremost threat to the safety of these individuals. Tragically, one of these abductions resulted in a brutal murder, while the remaining 22 victims were fortunately released. Additionally, two priests and one seminarian were violently killed within this year.

The year commenced with distressing events in January: a kidnapping in the Diocese of Ekiti and the appalling murder of Fr Isaac Achi in Minna, who perished in a fire during an attack on his parish residence. His colleague, Fr Collins, sustained gunshot wounds while fleeing the scene but survived. After a three-month lull, the frequency of kidnappings resumed in April, with not a single month free of such incidents. The latest occurred in November, involving Fr Andrew Anana, who was previously abducted in 2019 but was released within a day.

While most kidnap victims are eventually freed, there have been devastating exceptions. A particularly grievous incident occurred on 17 October when Brother Godwin Eze, a Benedictine novice, and two Benedictine postulants were abducted from their monastery. Upon their release three days later, the postulants heartbreakingly reported that Godwin had been shot and his body discarded in a river.

Earlier in the same month, a trio of sisters - Rosemary Osiowhemu and Josephine Mary Chinyekwuo from the Missionary Daughters of Mater Ecclesiae and Maria Ngozi Okoye of the Congregation of the Risen Lord - were kidnapped along with a seminarian and their driver en route to a funeral in Imo State. They were released after a week, much to the relief of the Christian community.

September 7 marked another dark day for Nigerian Christians with two separate attacks on seminarians. Ezekiel Nuhu was abducted alongside his father, remaining in captivity for nearly two months before their release in November. In a more tragic turn, 27-year-old Na'aman Danlami of the Diocese of Kafanchan lost his life in a parish rectory attack, succumbing to flames in a manner reminiscent of Fr Isaac Achi's demise.

With the murder of an additional priest in 2023, the total number of murdered religious figures this year equals the count from the entire previous year.

A Troubling Year Marked by Violence

ACN has been meticulously documenting instances of murder, kidnapping, and unlawful arrests of Catholic clergy and religious globally since 2022. These concerning figures are set to be published later this year. The previous year witnessed 118 such incidents, including 16 priests and religious sisters murdered due to persecution, and two others for reasons not directly linked to persecution.