Christians call for prayers as new fronts of fighting break out in Myanmar

ACN Executive President urges that conflict not be forgotten. Almost three years after the military coup of February 2021, Myanmar rebels have launched a major offensive. Following the recent coordinated offensive, known as Operation 1027, which started in Shan state, fighting has also intensified in various areas including the Sagaing region as well Chin and Kayah States, causing widespread violence and displacement.

Regina Lynch (Executive President of ACN International) during her visit at ACN Colombia August 2023

Regina Lynch, Executive President of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), expressed her concern, stating, "we heard of strong attacks in several dioceses. The recent days have seen a significant escalation in violence and displacement. An increasing number of urgent requests for prayer have been reaching us from this country in the last days".

"Throughout the last three years of civil war, the Church has been standing by the people, who have faced the destruction of numerous places of worship and the displacement of entire villages. However, this new spiral of violence requires us with new urgency to remember our brothers and sisters in this remote and often forgotten part of the world."

One of the Oldest Burmese Catholic Parish Churches (1894) was destroyed by Burma Army. Credit: Radio Veritas Mandalay

“The suffering has reached a critical point, prompting ever more civilians to seek refuge in churches as safe havens, but regrettably, reports have surfaced about distressing incidents within sacred compounds, even some churches have become zones of conflict and religious institutions have been forcibly evacuated”, states Lynch.

“In different places, collateral damage to church properties has been reported, adding to the gravity of the situation.”

As the situation continues to deteriorate, local partners of ACN have issued a plea for prayers: “The situation is dire, and we humbly request everyone to pray for us during these challenging times”, said one message.

“Please, let us not forget to pray for Myanmar. Among the many conflicts in the world right now, the people in Myanmar feel left alone in the midst of their suffering, so our solidarity is a beacon of light in the darkness they are facing”, Regina Lynch concludes.