How to host a Red Wednesday Prayer Vigil


Written by Katie Ascough

The ACN Week of Witness from 25 November to 1 December will be held every year with talks and exhibitions throughout the country on the theme of Christian persecution. 

One highlight during the Week of Witness is Red Wednesday on 27 November. With the assistance of dioceses and parishes throughout the country, ACN Ireland will host Prayer Vigils for the faithful to gather as a community and pray not only for persecuted Christians – but also for the persecutors of Christians.

Prayer and support for persecuted Christians at this time is crucial. Eighty percent of all acts of religious persecution are committed against Christians, 245 million Christians are facing extreme persecution for their faith, and Christians in more than 95 countries face persecution for their faith everyday.

During the Week of Witness, there are many ways you can stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians; however, one of the most profound and impactful ways is by hosting a Red Wednesday Prayer Vigil in your local church. We at ACN invite you to gather your parish team and organise a Eucharistic Holy Hour (Matthew 26:40) – ever aware that our  sufferings and sacrifice only have merit and meaning once united with the infinite Salvific suffering and sacrifice of Christ Himself.

A suggested order for your Red Wednesday Prayer Vigil could include:

  1. Opening hymn of praise

  2. Welcome

  3. A Red Wednesday message from a witness from the suffering Church

  4. Intercessions

  5. Benediction

  6. Tantum ergo or an appropriate Eucharistic hymn

  7. Final hymn of praise

  8. Final blessing

For more information and parish resources on the ACN Week of Witness and Red  Wednesday Prayer Vigils, including suggested intercessory prayers, please click here.

Aid to the Church in Need is Ireland’s leading charity for protecting the rights of Christians and supporting the suffering and persecuted Church. ACN supports more than 5,000 projects in around 150 countries each year, helping Christians live out their Faith wherever they are persecuted, oppressed, or in need.

Please take the time to find out more so that you can be their voice.

Thank you.