Mass Offerings Online through Aid to the Church in Need
More information about making a Mass Offering below
More information about making a Mass Offering below
Priests regularly use Mass offerings received through Aid to the Church in Need to help the poor and those in need in their local parish. Many of the priests and people supported by ACN are persecuted and suffer daily for their Christian faith. Stipends received through Mass offerings from our benefactors help priests to continue their pastoral activities. Priests are enabled to support their local community to create a world in which Christianity can thrive.
Mass stipends provided to Aid to the Church in Need by our benefactors are used to support impoverished priests in some of the poorest parts of the world. Many of the priests we help rely solely on Mass stipends as a source of income for basic sustenance. The priests we support are always grateful for our benefactor's offerings and recognise the immense privilege of celebrating Masses for our benefactor's intentions.
Stipends collected from Mass offerings through ACN are allocated to bishops and religious leaders around the world. Mass offerings are then distributed in the places where the need and suffering are greatest through local priests who celebrate Mass along with the intentions of our benefactors.
Masses offered by Aid to the Church in Need include The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Triduum Masses, Novena Masses and Gregorian Mass offerings. A single or numerous Masses can be requested for your specific Mass intentions through ACN.
You can provide your Mass intentions when you are filling out the order form.